Zhiyi’s Six Subtle Dharma Gates, on Breathing

Talk 1: Zazen with All-Embracing Compassion and Counting Breath
Talk 2: Dharma Gates of Counting and Following
Talk 3: Dharma Gate of Stopping and Letting Go of Hindrances
Talk 4: Dharma Gate of Stopping, Supported and Unsupported Tranquility
Talk 5: Dharma Gates of Seeing and Turning the Light Around
Talk 6: Dharma Gate of Purity, On Having No Head, Who is This?

Dogen Zenji’s “Actualizing the Fundamental Point” (Shobogenzo Genjo Koan)

Class 1: When All Things are Buddha-Dharma
Class 2: Myriad Things Come Forth and Confirm the Self
Class 3: To Study the Self is to Forget the Self
Class 4: Fish and Birds, Water and Air, This Very Life

Dogen Zenji’s “Mind Itself is Buddha” (Shobogenzo Sokushin zebutsu)

Talk 1
Talk 2
Talk 3
Talk 4
Talk 5
Talk 6
Talk 7

Nagarjuna’s Middle Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika, Chapter 1)

Nagarjuna’s Dedicatory Verse – Unborn Awareness
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way, Chapter 1, Verse 1, class 1
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way, Chapter 1, Verse 1, class 3
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way, Chapter 1, Verses 1&2, class 4
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way, Chapter 1, Verses 1-3, class 5
Nagarjuna’s Middle Way, Chapter 1, Verses 4-6, class 6