Genzo-e Sesshin on Dogen’s “Valley Sounds, Mountain Colors” (Shobogenzo Keisei Sanshoku)

Mind, Transformation, and Buddha Nature: Lankavatara Sutra

2012_04_01 Kokyo Henkel – Lankavatara Sutra, class 7

Rohatsu Sesshin: Lalitavistara Sutra on Buddha’s Awakening and Sandhinirmochana Sutra on Calm Abiding and Insight Meditation

Being Time: Dogen’s Shobogenzo Uji

2011_10_16 Kokyo Henkel – Being Time, class 2

Denko-e Sesshin: Keizan’s “Transmission of Light” on Qingyuan, Shitou, Yaoshan, Yunyan

Nagarjuna’s Examination of Self (Mulamadhyamakakarika, Chapter 18)

Genzo-e Sesshin on Dogen’s “One Bright Pearl” (Shobogenzo Ikka Myoju)

Sandhinirmochana Sutra, chapters 5-7 (eight consciousnesses, three natures, three non-natures)

Parinirvana Sesshin – Freedom from Suffering through the Realization of Mind-Only